Wow.. 4 months have passed...
I still remembered on the first day I arrived in this country, my heart was filled with trepidation and anxiety...
However,4 months later, and reflecting back, I'm glad I've made this decision to come. How often do we get the experience of living in a foreign country especially in a country where people don't speak English right? :)
As of now, most of us are able to understand some basic Hungarian language and we have adapted to the Hungarian Culture especially food-wise..we must have gotten used to the saltiness in the food! haha..Walking on the street alone is no longer a concern since we could understand and speak a smattering of Hungarian! yay! :D
From summer to autumn and now winter is coming real soon..time fliesssss...Next, I can't wait for the fluffly snowwww!!
Here's some pictures I've dug out from my vast collection on the season of change!

Summer time: View from my balcony

Autumn : View from my balcony

End of Autumn: We see the freeze everyday and the leaves, grasses and ground are always wrapped in a layer of ice every morning..simply beautiful! Temperature has dipped below freezing too!And it's getting so much foggier...