Well...because that's the time when I got a year
In case you're still blurr blurr, it's my Birthday lar!
So how did I celebrate it this year?
On my family front, my parents had initially planned to bring me to a Thai restaurant for a simple dinner but I have counter proposed to have it at my favourite local hawker's delight instead. Aside from cost-saving reasons, ever since I got back from my business trip in UK, I have dreaded eating any restaurant food and the thought of eating any good and expensive food actually turned me off. Imagine eating out everyday in restaurants for 2 weeks in a row? Well for me personally, this is too much for me as I have always prefered home-cooked food or hawkers' fare to restaurant meals.
At work, I was very surprised when a whole bunch of my colleagues actually bought a cake for 3 of us, early Birthday candidates and threw us a small celebration at the pantry during tea break. It was really sweet of them!! :) ....
SA,TM and myself cutting the cake!
Two days after, a close uni friend of mine,TY have proposed to have a potluck gathering at my apartment. As I have not met some of my uni friends for a long time, I am so grateful of them to actually attend the gathering. There were 13 of us all!!
Yet again it was another surprise for me when they took out a cake for me towards the end of the party. It was really thoughtful of them!
Thanks a bunch mates!!

Can you guess how old I am? :D
Wowww........What a great year to start-off!
Although I'm still enjoying life, the current bad economic situation should not be taken lightly as we know a real bad recession is looming. I really do hope that things will get better gradually as the months passed. Thus one of the things that is high on resolution list is to be as frugal as possible!!
Lastly, again... I would like to thanks all my friends,colleagues,family as well as my dearest, BS for the Birthday surprises and not to mention the constant support and great friendship & camaraderie from all of you!

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