
Wednesday, 13 June 2012

The view from my office

Currently, I'm seated at a temporary office while waiting for my company's factory to be built. It should be completed in a couple of month's time..but in the mean time, this is my view everyday.
The view from 12th floor

Zoomed in and we can see the 2nd what is left is just the center portion

Also, my office is selected as the "show unit" for suppliers to display their cubicles design while my company will decide which to choose. So This is how my cube looks like now.

Some other designs

For lobby area and more office cubes

Looks like a manager's cube ya.. :P


Anonymous said...

Oh NO!! The disclose the design to public. Hehehe .......

ellwye said...

hehe, do you think the design look really special? it is just like any other cubicle models that we've seen in other companies!!lol..