Last Wednesday, on a routine visit to the office toilet, just as I was about to remove my pants and bend down, I heard a "plop". may be thinking that I was up to some "big business" right? Haha..well, re-read the previous sentence, please. I want to reiterate the word "just as I was about to" to you, this means that I haven't lar...
Back to the "plop", when I turned and looked into the toilet hole, heart sanked.
My poor handphone has dropped into the toilet!!! favourite Sony Erricson handphone of 3 years has drowned. The next step I knew was that I actually stucked my hand into the toilet hole (it was a squat toilet btw) to retrieve my handphone. No glove, nothing...Gross enough? :D
When I picked it up, my faithful handphone was still alive, so I switched it off and washed it. After that, with a friend's help, he opened up my handphone case (shame on me, I still don't know how to open the cover..*lol*) and that's when I left my handphone battery and the set to dry for a day. Having suffered without my "lifeline' for a day, I promptly turned it on the next day. Boy, lil' faithful was still alive!!! Ok, of course it's not perfect now (and has never been). It was definitely a lil'more cranky now than before having suffered a bad concussion after I dropped it. The mobile OS also tend tend to reboot by itself a few times a day..Oh well, I think I can still live with that for now.
I promptly reset the time and date and reuse my lil' fighter again at night especially the alarm clock mode. The very next day when I woke up, I got a shock of my life when I realised the time was already 8.30 am! Dang! occured to me that my handphone alarm was not working! When I looked at it, the time has reset back to the default state. In my heart I knew that it was time to say goodbye to lil' handphone.
Time for a change..yippy!
I have been diligently surveying around for the last couple of days for handphone that met my specs. I knew I wanted a phone with at least a 3.2 megapixels camera, preferably a 3G phone, would love to have one with GPS and also wifi-enabled. Also I am picky about brandnames too, I would just buy either a Nokia or Sony Erricson phone. The specs in N-series Nokia looked great, but the size of it put me off because I am looking for a small handphone. Having scoured around, I narrowed my decision to two models ...I was having a dilemma to choose between Nokia E66 vs Sony Erricson G705.. Both met my specs, in fact I took a fancy of Nokia E66 initially but again the size of it lead me to consider G705 as well. You see Nokia E66 is larger than G705 and one important criteria for me is to have a small phone that I can easily slot into my pockets.
A hard decision to made, but ultimately, G705 is the winner, because of its user-friendliness and small size. As for E66, I strongly recommend it to guys rather than girls. Somehow, G705 looked more feminine to me while E66 looked more masculine! haha...
So here it is .... presenting SE G705 .....

My new baby (picture courtesy of
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